Class UMB


0011C-TG-03-16 Togo Circular for North Korean Seaman – North Korean Shipping Companies and vessels

Scale MSM related to circular ref 0019

0012C-TG-07-16 Togo Circular for the International Air Pollution Prevention Convention

0013C-TG-01-17 Maritime Labour Convention MLC 2006-amendments of 2014 on repatriation regulation 2.5 and ship owner’s liability regulation 4.2

0015C-TG-02-17 AFS Convention

0016C-TG-03-17 Application for approval of RO for the issuance of the statement of compliance under the international Convention for the control and management of ship’s Ballast Water and sediments 2004 (BWMC)

0017C-TG-03-17 IOPP Renewal survey prior entry into force of the international Convention for the control and Management of ship’s Ballast Water and Management Sediment, 2004 (BWMC)

0018C-TG-04-17 High Risk Areas (HRA) – Antipiracy measures – Implementing BMP4 Requirements

0019-TG-06-17 Implementation of the 2010 Manila Amendments (MSM)

0020C-TG-10-17 Restricted Area

0021C-TG-04-18 New Resolutions on North Korea

0022C-TG-05-18 STCW 2010 Manila amendments

0023C-TG-06-18 Configuration & Procedure for testing of SSAS

0024C-TG-08-18 Joint concentrate inspection campaign (CIC) on MARPOL Annex VI from 01 September to 30 November 2018

0025C-TG-11-18 Training and certification of Officers and Crew on High-Speed Craft

0026C-TG-11-18 Equivalent arrangements accepted under regulation 5(a) of chapter I of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 74 (as amended)

0028CTECH-TG-01-19 The necessity to implement specific measures to prevent occurrence of grounding-losing control during typhoons

UN Res 2375-11 Sep 2017 – with 0021

UN Res 2397-22 Dec 2017 – with 0021

0029CTECH-TG-03-19 Ratified Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended by Togolese Maritime Authority

0030CTECH-TG-04-19 Ratified International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM 2004) by Togolese Maritime Authority

0031C-TG-06-19 Restriction of animal products to the Republic of Korea (South Korea)

0032CTECH-TG-10-19 Implementation of the 0.50% Sulphur limit under MARPOL Annex VI

0033AC-TG-09-19 AIS Circular

0034CTECH-TG-12-19 Fuel Non-Availability Report (FONAR)

0035C-TG-02-20 Guidance in connection with implementation of IMO instruments – Guidelines for accepting documentation from insurance companies

0030C-TG-03-20 COVID-19 Implementation and enforcements of relevant IMO instruments – IMO Circular Letter No.4204- Add1.19 February 2020

COVID-19 Implementation and enforcement IMO Circular letter No.4204-Add.1 19 February 2020

0037C-TG-03-20 IMO Circular Letter No.42044204-Add.4, 5 March 2020 ICS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for ship operators for the protection of the health of seafarers

0039C-TG-03-20 Extension of the validity of the ships certificates and seafarers due to COVID-19 problem

0040C-TG-03-20 IMO Circular Letter No.4221 18 March 2020 Communication from the Government of the People’s Republic of China. Guidance of the prevention and control of COVID-19 on board (version 1.0)

IMO Circular Letter No. 4221 18 March 2020 Communication from the Government of the People’s Republic of China

0041C-TG-04-20 International Maritime Organization Data Collection System for Fuel Oil Consumption of Ships (IMO DCS) English & French

0042C-TG-05-20 Measures enhance safety standards on board vessels flying the togolese flag

0043CTECH-TG-07-20 Statement of Compliance (SOC) for an Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) under the E.U. Ship Recycling Regulation 1257-2013 (EU SRR). Compliance date 31-12-2020

List of Approved P&I Insurers for issuance of Bunker Convention Certificates by TOGO updated 01-07-2020

0044C-TG-08-20 New revised people’s Republic of China (PRC) Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes – Effective September 1, 2020

0045C-TG-09-20 US MARAD Advisory Concerning Waters of Libya – US Coast Guard New Ballast Management Report Form

0046C-TG-09-20 Extension of ship surveys due to COVID-19 Remote Surveys

0047C-TG-09-20 Ballast Water Management Convention & Ballast Water Management Code (IMO Res. MEPC.300(72) Requirements and Implementation

0048C-TG-10-20 Use of electronic Record Book under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) onboard I.S.R of Togo-registered ships

0049C-TG-11-20 Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems

0050C-TG-12-20 Maritime Security of Vessels & Mariners Operating off the Coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea

0051C-TG-12-20 Circular Guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU regulation relating to the inventory of Hazardous materials of vessels operating in European Waters

Related to circular ref 0051C-TG-12-20

0052C-TG-12-20 Maritime Labour Convention (MLC2006) amendments of 2014 on Repatriation (Regulation 2.5) and Shipowner’s Liability (Reg.4) 2018 amendments of the Code of MLC 2006

Marine Notice MLC2006-003 23 Dec 2020 related to circular ref 052C-TG-12-20

Amendments of 2018 to the Code of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 as amended (MLC 2006) related to circular ref 052C-TG-12-20

0053C-TG-02-21 Maritime Security of Vessels & Mariners Operating off the Coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea

Related to circular ref 0053C-TG-02-21

0054C-TG-08-21 Port State Control – Concentrated Inspection Campaign 2021

Related to circular ref 0054C-Port State Control- Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Stability 2021

0055C-TG-03-22 UKRAINE – RUSSIA Conflict and Ship Security Level

0056C-TG-03-22 Replacement of Circular Ref 0041C-TG-04-20 Guidance on the International Maritime Organization Data Collection System for fuel oil consumption of ships (IMO DCS)

Related to circular ref 0056C-TG-03-22

0057C-TG-05-22 United Nations Resolution on Somalia

Related to circular ref 0057C-TG-05-22

Related to circular ref 0058C-TG-08-22

Related to circular ref 0059C-TG-07-22

Related to circular ref 0059C-TG-07-22 NWRC

0060C-TG-08-22 Port State Control Concentrate Inspection Campaign on STCW

Related to circular ref 0060C-TG-08-22

Related to circular ref 0060C-TG-08-22 Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign on STCW

0063C-TG-10-23  Stowaways: Prevention of Unauthorized Access and Case Resolution2

0064C/TG/10/23  Gaza conflict Security Measures

0065C/TG/11/23  Additional Screening Procedures for Togo International ships registry